Okay, so we've done some renovations. We've transformed a closet in the kitchen to a place for our fridge. The kitchen is a small, galley-type kitchen and the fridge took up so much space where it was.

Have a peek at the before...

And the after...
Now, we're renovating the bathroom. Everything was painted with oil paint in this bathroom, including the vanity counter and the liner in the shower. This place had been rented before, so not a great deal was done to it besides a new roof. That was probably only done because it started leaking - tell-tale signs of leak repair on the wall by the window in the second bedroom. The house had all original, 1954 aluminum windows. We replaced most of them and will do the rest later this year - hopefully.

Here's a shot of the bathroom almost gutted.
Yucky! We have to replace the floorboards around the base of the toilet. All the tiles (plastic ones) are going and so is the painted liner and tub. We've ordered a sink and we have the vanity already. Once this room is gutted, we need to work on some plumbing. The venting pipe needs to be replaced - oh joy. We're excited about doing this and have been watching a lot of
Holmes on Homes. It's a very informative show. This is the
colour we want to go with. I also want to put in white subway tiles. I think it will look pretty sweet when we're finished. Thank goodness we have two bathrooms!